While strolling through the Beacon Natural Market, just looking around, like I loooove to do, we happened upon these:
I was intrigued to say the least. Dave and I read the labels, looked at each other, then looked back at the bottles. I believe he said something like, "Knock yourself out!" A few minutes later when I actually tasted this stuff that's very nearly what I did... and I mean that in a VERY GOOD WAY.
Once I'd read the flavor combinations again, I quickly decided this was the best choice for me:

Once I'd read the flavor combinations again, I quickly decided this was the best choice for me:
I think I noticed a slight roll of the eye as my husband forked over the $2.79 for this enigmatic concoction. I'm sure he was envisioning this bottle in the garbage can 99.975% full. Truth be told, that thought was swirling around in my noggin as well. Here's how the next couple of moments went:

It smelled very sweet as I brought it up to my mouth. The first moment on the tongue is bright and fruity. It was quite chilled so also quite refreshing on this warm and sunny day. Then it happened...
Near the back of the palette and top of the throat, the capsaicin started coming to life. Please don't let the face I'm making in the photo above scare you from trying this stuff. It's surprising, more than a little exciting, and, frankly, the most fun I've had drinking something not whiskey in a long time! Now that I'd tasted it and knew exactly what dance this beverage was going to do in my mouth, I took another swig, a bigger swig. No big deal, right?

There's was just no way to play it cool! Even though it will likely always make my face contort and my brow sweat, I love this stuff. I can't wait to try the other two flavors. I'm going to ask the gourmet market in my town to start stocking it, stat. I'm already envisioning the killer cocktail I'm going to make with the pomegranate one. That + Absolut Peppar, superchilled & shaken, up, in a salt & pepper rimmed martini glass, on a cold day. Whoa! Yeah!
The label lists the "Health Benefits of Capsaicin." Apparently it boosts the metabolism, it relieves congestion, and it strengthens immunity. (The label also notes that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, FYI.) The label also says capsaicin elevates mood. (I should note that this last statement is actually an understatement.) If you see it on the shelf, try it. And then tell me about it! More info here: Prometheus Springs.
The label lists the "Health Benefits of Capsaicin." Apparently it boosts the metabolism, it relieves congestion, and it strengthens immunity. (The label also notes that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, FYI.) The label also says capsaicin elevates mood. (I should note that this last statement is actually an understatement.) If you see it on the shelf, try it. And then tell me about it! More info here: Prometheus Springs.
WEll I have to say I am quite sad. Poms are my favorite thing and alas they do not sell this in Oregon =( guess a trip to visit Karl is in order.
ReplyDeleteI'm extremely intrigued by the Pom and Black Pepper combo, but I can't track down any recipes for it. =(